Thankfully, I've been able to successfully focus and design some fabulous smaller fair trade earrings. I've learned low costs are of paramount importance. Recent trends also indicate many women more often choose to wear smaller earrings. Small and affordable; it is the winning combination. If you're familiar with our collection, you've probably ordered some of Dunitz & Company's smaller earrings. Have you ordered our Dream Net Earrings? These delicate cuties, available in 12 colors were well received this season.

Our Joanie M fused glass earrings also tend to be smaller. And yes, they too are very affordable. When I first introduced this collection in 2011, I designed some larger styles. Some designs even had two components. We knew almost immediately that larger was not better. The cost was never that far off. It was confirmed that "small" was the winner. When I share this information, there are naysayers that suggest it is because glass is heavy and our larger sizes might be uncomfortable. Those that choose to wear the mightier designs, have confirmed this not to be the case.The truth is, as I mentioned before, lots of women prefer smaller earrings.
So, there you go. I just had to say it. Small & Affordable. That turns out to be our winning combination for our fair trade jewelry and specifically our fair trade earrings. Be sure to check out our wholesale and retail sites to see ALL of your options. -ND