Every day I log into my Instagram accounts,
@ndunitz and
@shopdunitz. A primary reason for having these accounts is to communicate with and develop relationships with my Dunitz & Company
wholesale and
retail customers. Another is to find inspiration. Inspirational color. Inspirational design. Inspirational thoughts. Creative juices will flow when watching images through the lenses of others. Here are a few of my recent favorites.

I have absolutely no idea how I stumbled upon
KaRMA Positivo. Evidently others have as well since this profile now has over 15K followers. Their tag line says they are
images from Instagram about lifestyle, fashion and artisanship. And that they do. If you browse the feed, you'll find oodles of wonderful and inspirational photos with great styles and colors. Some vintage. Some current. I dig this feed. The quirky thing is I decided to dig a bit further. The website attached to this feed & their twitter account leads you to the personal blog of Walter Tay Ann Lee, a mechanical engineering student from Singapore. [A reply to an IG message sent by me to KaRMA suggests the URL provided has either been hacked or expired in error. Let this be a warning to check all your links and expiry dates.]
Karen at sustainablefashionchat is obsessed with...you guessed it "sustainable fashion". And you can read more on her blog. Because I am a fair trader (you're probably reading this because you know Dunitz fair trade jewelry) and I'm obsessed with thrift stores and flea markets, I am always amused to see how she pulls together her ethical outfits. And she models them so nicely too. Just like me, Karen wears a lot of neutral color clothing. Ah this is a good thing for so many reasons! First, you can wear a sweater over and over again and no one will say... "you wore that yesterday." And, neutrals make the perfect backdrop for Dunitz colorful jewelry. Now we need Karen to wear a piece or two :)!

Here's a profile I enjoy that isn't fashion oriented at all. Not too long ago I started following Janet Jeffers at janetlittlejeffers, a brilliant photographer who captures awesome finds with either her iPhone or Nikon. I've drooled over some of her recent trip photos. But honestly, it seems if she's in Budapest or her own backyard it doesn't matter. Janet has an incredible eye and can snap the most mundane things and make them exciting. Heck, look at this door in the photo to the right. Those shades of green, rust and black inspire me to create a new color combination for Dunitz fair trade jewelry. I definitely recommend following her IG feed. Or check out her website.

Sometimes it's "just about pretty"! And that is how I find Sarah's incasualsimplicity feed. Sarah mentions her feed is about finding poetry in everyday life. She seems to savor nature and what she calls simple things. Her photos are lovely. And even better yet, she shares images of her own work created with watercolor and gouache. I am certain this is why I like her profile so much. I find inspiration in her many images of flowers. I also enjoy seeing the Japanese prints she shares with her audience. (Did you know my senior year of college honors seminar at University of Michigan focused on Japanese ukiyo-e prints? Go Blue!)
Please share with me some of your most loved Instagram profiles. Perhaps your favorites will lend some inspiration for me and my Dunitz & Company pretty and fair trade designs.-ND