Wow. I guess I dropped out for a while. I certainly haven't dropped out of the day to day operations of Dunitz & Company. However, as far as this blog goes, I have been remiss. As of today, Dunitz has been seen at five (that's 5!) major trade shows this year. Accessories, The Show NY... Los Angeles Gift.... Chicago Gift....New York Gift.... and WWIN Las Vegas. I head to Boston on the 19th to exhibit at their regional gift show. The shows have been going fabulously well. I'm thrilled to report that sales at these shows have been up from the last couple of years. What a big relief. Unfortunately there have been cancellations after people have realized they've spent too much $ - or committed to spend too much $. This is always a disappointment. Over all, I'm thrilled with how the season is looking. Posted here for your viewing pleasure are a few booth pics. - ND